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Ansis Jurgis Stabingis

Ansis Jurgis Stabingis

Country: Latvia

Fields of specialization: psychotherapist, psychologist. Mindfulness and meditation teacher.

Expert lecturer in SYNERGIA: Conscious leadership (HRM)

Ansis Stabingis has worked as a lecturer at Sigmund Freud University (Vienna), Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RPIVA), Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). He has conducted courses and trainings for organisations on HR management and business psychology topics in the field of mindfulness (attitudes, stress management and prevention, happiness as a skill, mental hygiene, mindfulness in relationships).

As a lecturer, presenter and keynote speaker he offers various public lectures, courses on topics related to mindfulness, consciousness and human wellbeing.

Founder, board member, President of Latvian Psychotherapy Association 2000-2014.