Implementation schedule – Edition II

Date for the implementation phase: March – April 2022

Competition announcement
28th February 2022
Deadline for submitting competition applications
18th March 2022
Assessment by the Competition Commission
25th March – 20th April 2022
Announcement of the competition results
25th April 2022
Implementation in institutions
May – September 2022
Implementation process in the institution
May – September 2022
Preparation and submission of implementation reports
August – September 2022
Preparation of a post-implementation report - implementation team and General Director
until 16th September 2022
Preparation of a shadow report - implementation consultant
until 16th September 2022
Submission of implementation reports and shadow report to KSAP
until 30th September 2022
Publication and promotion
October 2022
Publication and promotion of the implementation practice and other good practices submitted in the competition
October 2022

Details about the competition are available in the tab: Competition

Last actualisation: December 7th 2022