A network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe


SYNERGIA publication “The Synergy Effect. Mini-handbook Maxi-practice. Best practices in managing public-administration institutions” by Dagmir Długosz has been posted on IPA’s Website.
This was the title of the meeting with Dagmir Długosz, author of the publication “The Synergy Effect. Mini-handbook Maxi-practice. Best practices in managing public-administration institutions”
zdjecie wrecznie nagrod
Five Polish public administration institutions presented their implementation projects carried out as part of SYNERGIA during the Public Management Forum session held on 11 December 2023 at KSAP, in Warsaw.
The publication, the result of the project SYNERGIA – a network of cooperation and exchange of experiences of high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe, is now available on the KSAP website. We encourage you to download and read it!