Country: Bulgaria
Fields of specialization: EU Law, Better Regulation, Regulatory Impact Assessment and Analysis https://synergia.ksap.gov.pl/lecturers/prof-tony-dimov/
Expert lecturer in SYNERGIA: Regulatory Policy and Regulatory Reform – National and International Perspectives, Challenges National Regulators Face in the “new normal”
Since 2011 Tony Dimov is a President of the Center for Regulatory Impact Assessment in Bulgaria – an expert public benefit organisation with the mission to enhance the adoption of the best EU and OECD practices and standards for better regulation and quality of regulation. The Centre is one of the pioneers and drivers for the regulatory reform in Bulgarian launched in 2016.
In 2014 he has defended the PhD thesis: “Regulatory Impact Assessment in the European Union – nature, legal frame and mechanisms” in the Institute for the State and the Law in the Bulgarian Academy of Science. In 2018 he has joined the Department of International and EU Law Studies of the Academy as a Chief Assistant Professor in EU Law responsible for enhancing the application of the newly adopted mechanisms of ex-ante regulatory impact assessment, structured public consultations and ex-post evaluation of legislation as key elements of the 2016 regulatory reform in Bulgaria.
In Synergia Chief Assist. Prof. Tony Dimov will run a course on the current status of regulatory policy and regulatory reform in Bulgaria and the EU in the context of transforming technologies, fake news, pandemic, etc.