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Prof. Yago de la Cierva

Prof. Yago de la Cierva
Prof. Yago de la Cierva

Fields of specialization: crisis management, corporate communications in all its aspects, and large events organization as a communicational tool

Courses in SYNERGIA: communication management and effective negotiations

After his graduation in Law, Yago de la Cierva has dedicated all his professional life to the four branches of communications: journalism (he founded and directed the international TV news agency ROME reports), corporate communication, university teaching and as a crisis consultant, with particular emphasis in educational institutions.

After his experience as Executive Director of World Youth Day Madrid 2011, he also teaches “Event Organization” and “Communication Plan in an Event” at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid).

His professional interests are focused on crisis management, corporate communications in all its aspects, and large events organization as a communicational tool. His last book is “Comunicar en aguas turbulentas – Un enfoque ético a la comunicación de crisis” (Eunsa, 2015).

In Synergia prof. Yago de la Cierva will run a course on communication management and effective negotiations.