SYNERGIA at KSAP - learn about best practices in public administration!
This was the title of the meeting with Dagmir Długosz, author of the publication “The Synergy Effect. Mini-handbook Maxi-practice. Best practices in managing public-administration institutions”
During the meeting organized at KSAP on May 10, 2024, as part of the European Funds Open Days 2024, the author and invited guests: prof. Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw and prof. Radosław Koszewski, founder of Queen Hedvig Academy, debated on what is necessary to effectively and permanently implement best management practices in public administration institutions.
Several important topics were discussed:
- To what extent can political changes influence change management in public administration?
- What should be the leader’s role in implementing best practices?
- What are the differences between implementing changes in public sector and in private sector?
- Does public administration implement management innovations at the same pace as business?
- To what extent can the Mini-handbook Maxi practice, developed by the participants of SYNERGIA project and based on the analysis of real challenges and management situations, be helpful in implementing best practices in public administration institutions as a universal practice?
The panelists agreed that what guarantees a durable implementation of best practices is a mature organizational culture, which has its roots in a well-functioning civil service. Much depends on the openness and competence of the institution’s leader, but despite his significant influence on the shape of the change, he is not its only stakeholder and guarantor.
The issue of values was also discussed, as they are one of the main features that distinguishes public sector employees. A sense of responsibility for others and acting for the common well, as well as the resulting in-depth reflection on the actions taken and the extension of the decision-making process are only few examples that have been mentioned.
The panelists emphasized that the differences between public and private sectors make it impossible to entirely put business practices into the public administration sector, which translates into the effectiveness of using these solutions in the everyday functioning of institutions. They also pointed out that the publication, thanks to a thorough analysis of best practices in the context of their usefulness for the public sector, creates the opportunity to effectively use knowledge management in public administration.
The handbook is an inspiration for implementing changes and offers a broad bibliography developing topics presented in the publication. We warmly invite you to read it!
Where the publication it available?
The Mini-handbook is publicly available and can be downloaded from the KSAP website: