Partners meeting
On 11 December 2019, the meeting inaugurating the Project entitled SYNERGIA – a network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe took place at KSAP.

Those participating from outside KSAP were the Directors of the Project’s Partner Institutions, i.e. Pavel Ivanov, Director of the Bulgarian Institute of Public Administration; Agita Kalvina, Director of the Latvian School of Public Administration; and Gergely Pröhle, Director of the Institute of Strategic Program of the Hungarian National University of Public Service.
During the meeting, the principles that would underpin transnational cooperation over Project implementation were discussed, as were Programme-related issues, financing rules, the recruitment process and the Project schedule.
Partners discussed expectations for – and anticipated benefits of – participation in the Project from the point of view of Representatives of their own countries’ administrations.
Issues relevant to the Partners were found to be:
- the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the management of public-administration institutions,
- likely inspiration from global best practices (given that classes are to be run by specialists and experts cooperating with renowned universities and business schools around the world),
- people’s chance to present and share experience and trends in the administrations of their own countries,
- a facilitated and promoted process of networking among officials from Partner Countries.
Date of publication: December 12th 2019