Velizar Shalamanov
National and NATO security senior official
Country: Bulgaria
Fields of specialization: national security and defence, e-infrastructure and security of information, cybersecurity https://synergia.ksap.gov.pl/lecturers/velizar-shalamanov/
Expert lecture in SYNERGIA: strategic and business planning in large public institutions, change management in public administration, portfolio project management in support of strategy implementation and change management, service based customer funded IT organisations
After 19years in military, followed by an academic career in the Academy of Sciences Dr.Shalamanov has several tours of public service: Deputy Minister of Defense (1998-2001), Minister of Defense (2014) and Director Demand Management in the NATO’s IT and Cyber Agency(2009-2017).
In 2019 he was elected as a Chair of the Agency Supervisory Board facilitating the consensus among 30 nations. Since 2018 Velizar is deputy director of the Institute of Information and Communications Technologies, focusing on consolidation of the academic cybercapacity in Bulgaria and EU (under H2020 project) and study of best practices for effectiveness, efficiency andcyber resilience of IT organizations, role of IT in institutional change management.
IT related research work of Dr.Shalamanov started in 1984 as a project manager, head of section and sector in defense institute, leadingintelligent planning and assessment systems development, followed by some projects in space research,institutional change management, integrated command and control / emergency management systems, computerassisted exercises.
He defended the PhD thesis in Kiev (1991) and became Associated Professor in 1998.
In Synergia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Velizar Shalamanov will run a course on strategic and business planning in large public institutions, change management inpublic administration, portfolio project management in support of strategy implementation and changemanagement, service based customer funded IT organisations.