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Prof. Daniel Beimborn

Prof. Daniel Beimborn
Prof. Daniel Beimborn

Fields of specialization: outsourcing and process optimization of banking processes, cooperative sourcing, outsourcing relationship management, standardization, IT governance, and IT business alignment

Courses in SYNERGIA: IT in public sector

Daniel Beimborn is a full professor for Information Systems Management at the University of Bamberg, Germany. Before, he was professor of Information Systems at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. From 2007 to 2013, he served as assistant professor at the Department for Information Systems and Services at the University of Bamberg (Germany). Daniel graduated in Business Administration at Goethe University, Frankfurt, where he also received his PhD. He has been member of the PhD program “Enabling Technologies for Electronic Commerce” of the German National Science Foundation (DFG) and he is author of more than 70 reviewed articles (in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of IT, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Business Information Systems & Engineering (BISE) etc.) and conference papers as well as six books on outsourcing and process optimization of banking processes, cooperative sourcing, outsourcing relationship management, standardization, IT governance, and IT business alignment.

His current research activities cover success factors of digital innovation & transformation, management of outsourcing and nearshoring relationships, business process standardization governance, social aspects of business/IT alignment and the shared understanding among business and IT. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on digital innovation & transformation, outsourcing management, and strategic IT management.

In Synergia prof. Daniel Beimborn will run a course on the use of IT in public sector.