SYNERGIA 3rd training session is completed

3rd session as part of the 1st edition of the SYNERGIA project is behind us. The session was attended by high-representatives of public administration institutions from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary.
I st edition – 3rd Hungarian- Polish session
On October, 19-21, the 3rd session of 1st SYNERGIA edition took place.
The session program included activities in the following thematic areas:
- project management in public sector
- change management
- knowledge management
- HRM (leadership)
In the first two days, SYNERGIA educational sessions were led by professors from IESE Business School, University of Navarra: prof. Massimo Maoret and prof. Jaume Ribera. On the third day, two soft-skills training sessions on leadership run by Hungarian partner trainers (NUPS) Márta Pataki and Krisztián Hegyi, took place.
The form of the session
Due to the current epidemiological situation in Europe, the 3rd session was run online. Participants from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary participated in interactive meetings carried out in MS Teams environment. Participants have also shared their knowledge and exchange experiences within Teamworks, working groups that constituted an important aspect of SYNERGIA programme.
Participants’ impressions
In the evaluation studies, the participants rate highly the substantive usefulness of the project, emphasizing that the project develops new skills and the transferred knowledge is unique for people in managerial positions in public administration. The education programme is a good example of transferring interesting business practices to public administration, presenting new ways of perceiving matters and a new vision of common problems that participants face on a daily basis in the workplace.

Date of publication: October 23rd 2020