Synergia - 5th training session in Riga, Latvia
On October 5 – 7, 2022, the fifth training session will take place in Riga (Latvia), as part of the third edition of the Synergia project. The session is attended by representatives of public administration from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary.
Purpose of the session
The aim of the session is to understand the application of the principles of institutional communication from the point of view of top management. Training participants will learn the procedures for resolving conflicts in the public sphere and crisis management.
During the three-day session, classes in the following subject areas are planned:
- communication management and effective negotiations,
- institutional management.
Detailed issues:
- identification of the institution’s key stakeholders (stakeholder map), understanding their perception and designing a strategy for each of them,
- developing a corporate narrative synchronized with the identity and values of the institution and consistent with its social and political environment, both for internal and external stakeholders,
- learning how the consent curve works as a red threat that combines risks, conflicts, controversies, crises and scandals,
- understanding the Public Affairs plans of companies / other public institutions and the best practices in the field of public-private cooperation that brings benefits to both parties,
- a systematic approach to dealing with institutional crises in four steps: crisis prevention, planning and training, crisis response and crisis recovery.
What are the key issues in effective communication, especially in a conflict situation? Is it a stakeholder needs analysis? Or maybe the focus should be on motivation, not needs? How to define your role in the communication situation? How to proceed in a situation where we do not have too much data to make a decision and it makes communication difficult? These are just some of the issues that will be analyzed by the project participants.
The session is co-organized by the project partner – Latvian School of Public Administration (LSPA) from Latvia.