Synergia – 8th training session in Riga, Latvia

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On February 23 – 25, 2022 the eighth training session is held – in Riga (Latvia), as part of the 2nd edition of the Synergia project. The session is attended by representatives of public administration from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary.


The program of the session consists of two parts: the educational session and the second part of the peer learning session – summarizing the knowledge and skills acquired during the implementation of the 2nd edition of the Synergia project.

Activities are planned in the following thematic areas:

  • conscious leadership,
  • management challenges in public administration institutions.

As part of the Latvian day, the participants of the session took part in classes in the field of conscious leadership. The idea of ​​conscious leadership is related to the concept of mindfulness because it allows leaders to be aware of changes in their environment and find the best way to interact with what is happening at the moment. Conscious leadership is the leader’s conscious look at himself, awareness of his own needs and state of mind. A conscious leader does not put his needs above everything else, he knows how to identify with the needs of others in order to be sensitive to them, and thus be effective.

During the peer learning session, participants continue to analyze good practices in terms of their practical application in public administration and prepare recommendations for their implementation.


The session is co-organized by the project partner – Latvian School of Public Administration (LSPA) from Latvia.