SYNERGIA’s 1st training session has already taken place

First session took place in Warsaw
On Monday, August 31st 2020 the first session of SYNERGIA has started. The trainings were held over the whole week, until Friday September, 4th. It was the first meeting of high-level representatives of public administration selected from three Central and Eastern European Countries.
The session program included activities in the following thematic areas:
- risk management,
- human resources management,
- management by objectives,
- use of ICT in the public sector,
- and knowledge management.
The training sessions encompassed both plenary sessions moderated by foreign professors, as well as teamworks – group work during which the participants discussed case studies prepared in accordance with the Harvard Business School methodology. The first session of SYNERGIA was an excelent occasion for participants to share their own experiences in the field of management, with a special focus on the topics mentioned above.
Representatives of the institutions listed below were qualified to the 1st edition of SYNERGIA.
1) Institutions from Poland
- The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
- Łukasiewicz Center in a consortium with Ministry of Development
- Warmia and Mazury Voivodship Office in Olsztyn
- Ministry of Justice in a consortium with the Institute of Justice
- The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
2) Institutions from Bulgaria
- State Agency for National Security (SANS)
- Executive Forest Agency – Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria
- Ministry of Transport
3) Institutions from Hungary
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
4) Institutions from Latvia:
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Ministry of Economics
- Ministry of Justice
The form of the session
The session was carried out in a hybrid form. Representatives from Latvia and Hungary participated in the online session, while representatives from Poland and Bulgaria participated in the session organised at the headquarters of KSAP.
Date of publication: September 11th 2020