Update of the schedule of the 1st edition

The Steering Committee decided to change the schedule for the implementation of the session planned for February 2021.
Having analised the current epidemiological situation and its probable development in the following months, as well astaking into account a big challenge for participants to take active part in a 5-day online session (8 hours a day), the Steering Committee decided to change the schedule for the implementation of the session planned for February 2021.
Detailed information is available here: PROGRAMME – Session schedule
According to the availability of foreign lecturers the next sessions will be organised as follows:
- 14 December 2020, 11:30 – 17:00 EET – 6 hours
- 21 December 2020, 15:00 – 17:00 EET – 2
- 14 January 2021 – 6 hours+ 2 hours consultations
- 8-10 February 2021 – the last day
We are also planning an additional session under the project, which will be organized after the epidemiological situation has stabilized, in spring 2021. The session will be carried out in one of the partner countries (Latvia, Hungary or Bulgaria).
Date of publication: November 26th 2020