A network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe


Wykładowca w auli przemawiający do słuchaczy
Lecturers of SYNERGIA are proven world-class professionals who combine theoretical expertise of their field with practical cooperation experience with institutions of public administration. They represent world-renowned universities, including IESE Business School (Spain), Saïd Business School University of Oxford (United Kingdom), University of Bamberg (Germany), Dublin City University (Ireland), King Juan
zdjecie podpisanie umowy
It was on 11th December 2019 that KSAP signed the agreement for the implementation of the Project entitled SYNERGIA – a network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe, with the Center of European Projects as financing institution.
zdjecie spotkanie partnerów
On 11 December 2019, the meeting inaugurating the Project entitled SYNERGIA - a network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe took place at KSAP.
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SYNERGIA - a network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe is KSAP’s new Project for high level officials.