Peer-learning session, February 8-10, 2021

On 8th-10th February 2021 we invite all participants to the peer-learning summary session (1st edition of the SYNERGIA project).
The purpose of the peer-learning session is to summarize and develop recommendations on the implementation of good practices, which were the subject of training, in public administration institutions.
Most of the classes will be conducted in workshop groups, and moderated by trainers – facilitators, Mr Tomasz Cichocki and Mr Krzysztof Gulda.
Due to the epidemiological situation, peer-learning session training will conduct in online form, at the special e-learning training platform in MS TEAMS environment. The epidemiological risk is assessed before each session by the Steering Committee with the participation of Project Partners and a representative of foreign professors.
Date of publication: February 3rd 2021