Synergia – 7th training session in Sofia, Bulgaria
On December 5-7, 2022 the seventh training session – off-site in Sofia, as part of the 3rd edition of the Synergia project, takes place. The session is attended by representatives of public administration from Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary. The co-organizer of the session is the project partner – Institute of Public Administration from Bulgaria.(link:
The session program includes classes in the following thematic areas:
- implementation of the strategy,
- management control,
- risk management,
- use of information technology in the public sector.
The aim of the session is to understand the key issues of management by objectives, to present the basics of managing the digital transformation of the organization and the appropriate management and leadership styles adopted for various situations and needs of the organization in the context of the digitization of institutions.
In the first part of the three-day session, participants will focus on the issue of management by objectives. Since there is no single model of management by objectives, the key factor is to properly define the objectives and adopt the selected strategy for implementing objectives in the organization. Goals should be understandable for all stakeholders of a given action and possible to implement, but they should be a challenge for the institution and its employees. The top management in the organization determines the strategy of the entity and the main goals to be achieved, at lower levels, lower level managers are responsible for defining the goals. The degree of effectiveness in achieving the objectives is influenced by the degree of involvement of all those who are subject to management. It seems simple, but how does it work in practice? Where are the traps? How to effectively manage this process?
The second part of the session will be devoted to the essence of digital technologies and selected trends in digitization and the development of leadership skills in managing the challenges of digitization
Recruitment for the fourth edition
Recruitment for the SYNERGIA project is carried out until December 14, 2022. All information on the rules of applying for the project is available on the project website, in the RECRUITMENT tab.
The project participant is a public administration institution that delegates its representatives, i.e. senior management staff, to participate in the project. Detailed information. (
Why is it worth it?
We invite you to read the answer to the question Why is it worth taking part in the SYNERGIA project? (
The aim of the Synergia project is:
- preparation of a new educational and cooperation program based on the cooperation network of management staff in public administration from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe,
- implementing the solutions developed during the implementation of the program in practice.
Project financing
The project is co-financed from the state budget and European funds under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
More information on the project: