Competition for participation in the implementation part of the 4th edition
We are pleased to announce that the winners of SYNERGIA 4th edition implementation competition are:
- the Main Inspectorate of Commercial Quality of Agricultural and Food Products, who has filed a project entiteled “Building a supportive work culture at IJHARS, through project management, with an appetite for evolutionary turquoise”
- the Masovian Voivodship Office with the project „Preparation of assumptions for the implementation of an IT tool for project management at the MUW”
According to Project Regulations two winners are selected in course of the 4th edition implementation competition.
Warm congratulations to both of the winners!
12 institutions of Project Participants from Poland joined the internal competition for the implementation of good practices
- Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Warsaw
- Ministry of Education and Science
- General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways,
- Chamber of Fiscal Administration in Lodz
- National Film Archive – Institute of Audiovisualization
- Podkarpackie Voivodship Office in Rzeszów
- Central Office of Weights and Measures
- Central Statistical Office in Cracow
- Łódź Voivodship Office
- Mazovian Voivodship Office
- Ministry of Digitization
- Łukasiewicz Center
All the prepared competition applications were evaluated by the members of the Competition Commission as being of high merit.
The goal of the implementation part in SYNERGIA project is to implement a change in public administration institutions, based on the good practices presented during the education and cooperation program. More on implementation:
Purpose of the Synergy Project
The aim of the project is to develop the competencies of senior managers in public administration and to prepare, on the basis of the cooperation network of managers in public administration from Central and Eastern European countries, a new educational and cooperative program and to implement the solutions developed during the program in practice.
The project is implemented in a transnational partnership:
- National School of Public Administration named after the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczynski (KSAP),
- Bulgarian Institute of Public Administration (IPA),
- Hungarian University of Public Service (UPS),
- Latvian School of Public Administration (LSPA).
Financing of the project
The project is co-financed by the state budget and European funds under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
More information about the project: :